We have passed the half-way point in our 30 day Cloth Diaper Challenge! Let’s see how it is going…

Everyone is getting more comfortable using the cloth diapers. Danielle and her daughter, A’maali, have braved cloth diapering away from home. Danielle says, “Cloth diapering on-the-go was definitely an adventure. I was very confused about whether I should just put the soiled diaper in the wet bag as is, or if I should try to clean it out first. I guess I could spray it out but if you’re in a public restroom by yourself, you’re most likely not going to feel comfortable leaving your baby on the changing table while you’re in there trying to get rid of the stink!” Indy’s mom, Chelsea, is not even going to take any disposable diapers on her two week vacation next month! Way to go Chelsea!

All of our participants have commented on how supportive their family members have been. Danielle says, “My husband says he is a big fan of the cloth diapers. Not only because it can potentially save us lots of money, but also because it is environment-friendly and he says it looks cute!” Chelsea says, “My son loves helping me with the cloth diapers. He loves helping me lay the inserts out to finish air drying. He loves helping me put the inserts in the diapers. He just thinks his sister is the cutest thing in cloth diapers. He is only four years old and I am so proud of my son for being so caring in this whole process!” My daughter, Hannah, is the same way! She is only three but she LOVES her baby brother in the cloth diapers. She helps me stuff and fold the clean diapers. We even made her baby dolls a couple of cloth diapers! I love the idea that I am teaching her how to do what is best for her baby and for the environment!

A couple of tips for any newbies out there… Sierra, Danielle and I have noticed that our kids’ clothes certainly fit differently over the cloth diapers. One tip is to buy larger sized bottoms! Sierra says, “We mainly just wear cloth diapers everywhere we go because I have not yet bought bigger clothes to fit over the diapers!” I love to let Luke run around in just his diapers – so cute! Also… it says on the diapers to wash before first use and that is TRUE. I accidentally put a brand new liner in my son’s diaper and it wasn’t absorbent at all!

We are all learning as we go and enjoying the ride! Please leave us a comment or email me at Lindsey@pishposhbaby.com. We’d love to be your one-stop-shop for all of your baby’s needs. We’re moms, we get it!