2015 Cruz
UPPAbaby has become a huge name in the Baby Gear world over the past few years. The totally redesigned
2015 UPPAbaby Cruz is a show-stopper! Weighing in at just under 22 pounds, it is one of the lightest, fully functional strollers available. The easy one-piece fold makes running errands a breeze!

Compact Fold
The roomy toddler seat is approved for up to 50 pounds and fully reclines facing either direction. It is a small
detail but the upgraded harness is one of my favorite UPPAbaby features. It is so easy to buckle and unbuckle and it never tangles! With wonderful (included) accessories like the bumper bar, rain cover and sun cover, the Cruz is an excellent value.

With the purchase of additional adapters, many popular car seat brands will work with the Cruz so you can create a customized, newborn-safe travel system. Of course, the
UPPAbaby Mesa infant car seat will snap directly onto the Cruz frame with no need for additional adapters. Also – because of the flat recline, the Cruz seat is newborn compatible, however we recommend some sort of infant insert, like the Uppababy
SnugSeat insert, for added comfort for your baby!
UPPAbaby Universal Bassinet is one of the nicest bassinets on the market today. Of course it is approved for overnight sleeping! When you pair it with the
Bassinet Stand – it can even double as your newborn’s bassinet or travel bed!
The Cruz is available on PishPoshBaby.Com for only $499.99.
If you have any questions please email me at
Lindsey@PishPoshBaby.com or call one of our awesome Baby Gear Experts at 877-747-4767! We’re moms… we get it!