Britax Boulevard CS A Revolutionary Seat - Review!
By EllenaSeptember 05, 2008

The Britax Boulevard CS Car Seat will have all the features of the Original Boulevard Seat Plus an additional key feature. It will Include a mechanism that will allow the user to hear an audible click once the harness is the correct tightness around the child when the user pulls the adjuster strap. This will be an invaluable feature considering one of the largest percentages of misuse in child restraints is the tightness of the harness.
Available in four Fashion Options: Britax Boulevard CS Cowmooflage, Britax Boulevard CS Davenport, Britax Boulevard CS Berkshire Tan, and Britax Boulevard CS Lauren.
The Britax Boulevard Cowmooflage is the most exciting in my opinion as I LOVE the cowmooflage pattern and was always hoping it would be introduced in the boulevard seat.
The Britax Lauren seat is a MUST HAVE for your little princess. You can rest assured that she will ride in the most fashionable seat as well as the safest seat out there!
The other great new colors introduced the Britax Boulevard Davenport As well as the Berkshire Tan Britax Boulevard Seat.
This Is really something to Get Excited about!!