Why I chose the Skip Hop Versa diaper bag
My daughter turned eight months today, and as the oldest - she had us all celebrating this great milestone. And today admist all the balloons and cupcakes, I realized that I never had a chance to write about one of the best baby presents we received when she was born - the Skip Hop Versa diaper bag - the only diaper bag we use and need.
So why do I love my Skip Hop Versa bag?
The most popular feature of the Versa diaper bag is the fact that the bag expands (hence the name Versa). Is this a particularly useful feature? I find not. But is it super cool? Oh boy it is! I chose the black bag, as I like the gold zipper-black fabric contrast, so the hidden panel is black as well. But the other colors, khaki (new) and cream links, both have a different color panel which is beautiful.
The bag is full of so many great pockets, but not too many. I see diaper bags that are designed to have one pocket for every possible item. That isn't practical at all - it's actually quite impractical, because by the time you remember which pocket holds your keys and which your phone, your diaper bag will be stored away in the attic, waiting for a grandkid.
The Versa has one large pocket on the back of the bag. This pocket holds a changing pad (included, of course). The pocket is large enough to hold a standard size sheet of paper and comes into great use when I have important documents that I want to carry - or an ipad.
The front of the bag features one small pocket at the top - where I store an extra pacifier, house key, and cell phone. It also has a pacifier clip - an item I found totally worthless (more about that another time)
There are two larger zipper pockets - one has a bottle and one a water bottle. On each zipper pocket - there is one more pocket that does not have a closure. I keep items with little to no value in there, because if the bag tips over, the items may fall out. No one ever cried over spilled tissues.
The main compartment of the bag opens with a zipper and features four inner pockets - two on each side. This is perfect - I have a pocket for diapers, my Skip Hop Swipe Wipes Case, blanket & cloth diaper, and a change of clothes. The main compartment is used for toys.
I don't remember ever fumbling to find what I need. I believe in the Versa so much. It's a mid-priced bag in today's times (my mother flipped out when she heard I had my heart set on a $70 bag and wanted to know why I don't just use the free Similac bag the hospital provides! Took a bit of time to explain, but I think she got it...) and it gives you EXACTLY what you could ever want in a diaper bag.