Claessens Kids Diaper-Carrier Bag - Blows Your Mind!
By EllenaSeptember 07, 2014

Y'know those times you see a new product and think to yourself ... "how come I never thought of that?!"
The Claessens' Kids Diaper Carrier Bag is just that sort of invention!
Going out of the car for a short time, going up or down stairs or escalators, running errands, going to pick up older siblings at school, or going for a short walk... it's not always easy for a parent to carry their toddlers while juggling everything else.
Claessens' Kids Diaper-Carrier Bag is a must have for every parent on the go! The side-carry function of this new Diaper-Carrier helps parents hold their little ones in a very practical and easy new way, while also carrying all of life's necessities. The bag can hold up to 33 lbs.
Who's in?
We'll update you on pricing and release dates as soon we have more information!