Can you believe it? We’ve come to the end of our 30 Day Cloth Diaper Challenge! It has been an incredible success! 5 out of 5 participants plan to continue using cloth diapers exclusively! On average, one child will use about seven thousand disposable diapers. Based on the varying ages of our participants, just us five women deciding to make the switch will save nearly 25 THOUSAND disposable diapers from ending up in our landfills!

We all agree that the only reason we never tried cloth before was simply because we didn’t know much about it. Rem's mommy, Sierra ,points out, “I have loved the process and I really enjoy using cloth diapers. I believe everyone should give it at least one month before they completely dismiss cloth diapering.” If you're interested in trying cloth diapers, but you're nervous about the upfront costs - just order a few to get you started!
We truly have had an overwhelmingly positive response to this challenge. Nichole exclaims, “I just love talking to other moms about our love for cloth diapers! We will definitely be sticking with our new routine. The disposable liners are nice to have on hand but I am using them less and less. The sprayer shield has also been helpful but I don't feel like it's essential. The
wet bag and diaper sprayer though, goodness I couldn't imagine life without them!” Another awesome tip – the cloth diaper covers make for great swim diapers! Just remove the absorbent insert and enjoy even more savings!


Nichole and Mac
Danielle has really enjoyed the challenge with her four month old daughter, A’maali. Danielle says, “Although this is the final week of the challenge, it is definitely not the last week of us using cloth diapers. I want to say thank you for having me as a part of this CHALLENGE because that's what it was. It has also been a positive journey that has changed the way we look at disposable and reusable diapers. I might just start cloth diapering from the jump with our next baby!” Hooray for even more financial and economical benefits!
Chelsea also says, “Indy and I will continue to use cloth diapers as time goes on. They are our new normal routine. I can't wait to use the cloth diapers when she starts to potty train. They will save a lot of money and stress! I am so thankful we were chosen for this challenge. I will continue to use cloth diapers and recommend them to everyone. Thank you again for this opportunity.”


I have really loved this blog series and I can't wait to show you what is next! I want to thank all of our participants - we couldn't have done this without you! If you have any questions or comments please email me at!
So what are you waiting for? Order your
Rumparooz Cloth Diapers now and help us #makeclothmainstream… will you take the challenge?