Funny Baby Products: Gold & Diamond Pacifier
By EllenaFebruary 19, 2014

A diamond studded gold pacifier... a luxury?
At first I thought people were talking about a pendant or a charm for a bracelet. But then I read some more. It turns out that anything that can attribute status and wealth has a place in this world. You can get a customized gold pacifier that is studded with diamonds from a mere $17,000 and easily north of a whopping $50,000. A $50k white gold, black and white diamond studded pacifier was sold by Kalfin Jewellery in Australia. Though if those options are a bit too pricey for you, Kalfin Jewellery has other, more affordable, options. You can get a plain one (no diamonds) with yellow or white gold for just $450. And if that is still too much, you can get the silver version for as low as $180.
Apparently, this sort of thing is usually just a keepsake. A very pricey keepsake. Personally, I'm can't imagine that I'd find such a product to be a luxury. I'd feel more like an indentured servant. I'd constantly worry about where it was, install security measures, insure it... You name, and I'd do it. Way too much stress for a little thing that is supposed to help reduce my stress.
There are more cost effective, plain, customizeable pacifiers (no gold, silver or diamonds, so sorry) that let you choose what is written on them. And let's not forget the pacifiers that come ready-made with funny messages (Mute Button, Pull to Sound Alarm) that can be purchased for as low as $6 a piece.

I'm think I'm going to stick with the good old MAM pacifiers. Though, those could be customized too, for a small fee (of course). For $20-$30 per pacifier you can choose what you want written on the button in the middle.
Until I win the next big lottery, I'm going to PishPoshBaby to pick up a couple for ten bucks:)