By Mary Sauer
Writer at
For couples entering into the new territory of becoming parents for the first time, buying a new provides comfort and security. That’s why, for so many growing families, a home purchase feels like a natural predecessor to giving birth. If you are expecting, and you are considering buying a home to accommodate your new family, you may have already realized how much there is to consider and how many decisions there are to be made before taking the leap. At
Modernize, we believe your house should be a comfortable and healthy space to grow your family, and we have put together some essential tips for expecting parents.
Considering Your Daily Routines
If you have yet to become parents, or have just recently become parents, it may be challenging to think about daily routines. Newborns are infamous for throwing plans out of whack and for running the show. Eventually, your family will find a new rhythm and routine for day-to-day life, and it is helpful to think about how you want your days to look when buying your home.
If homemade meals and family dinners are a priority for your family, pay attention to the kitchen and dining areas in any homes you consider purchasing. Will they accommodate this part of your lifestyle? Does a particular home provide enough space for feeding and entertaining close family and friends?
Similarly, think about how much space your children will need to play and sleep. Will your children share rooms if you decide to have more? Where will your children spend time playing? If you hope for plenty of outdoor play, a spacious backyard may be a priority over ample indoor space.
Consider the Future
During the first months and years of parenthood, it’s hard to imagine your children doing much outside of eating, napping, and stacking blocks. But before you know it, your children will be in school and working towards independent times of play.
When selecting a home for your growing family, think ahead to your family’s future. Research the school districts where potential purchases are located to be sure they will be a good fit for your child. Additionally, pay close attention to the neighborhood. Is it a neighborhood where you would feel comfortable letting your older children play independently with nearby friends?
Consider Your Family’s Health
We spend a lot of time in our homes, and this seems to be especially true when our children are young. Whether you are a working parent or plan to stay home, you can expect that much of your week will be spent at home with young children and your partner. When buying a home, think about whether or not it’s a healthy environment for your growing children. Look for homes that have green products installed, such as low VOC paints,
air purifiers, and healthy flooring options such as reclaimed hardwood, cork, or bamboo.
Consider Your Changing Budget
With a child on the way, you can definitely expect for many aspects of your life to change. For many families, a new child brings drastic changes to their budget. Sometimes, a parent leaves their job to stay home full-time or the added expense of caring for a child requires a tightening of the purse strings. No matter what situation you find yourself if, it’s important to consider how your budget may change in the future. When you’re purchasing a home, it is important to take any potential budget changes into account so that your home doesn’t become a financial burden during this new season of your life.

Becoming a parenting is an exciting time of life, and making careful considerations before buying your new home is the best way to ensure a happy, healthy, and safe future for your entire family.