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Introducing PishPosh Baby's Rental Program

Introducing PishPosh Baby's Rental Program

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Ever uncertain about committing to a big baby gear purchase?

We have good news! At PishPosh Baby we now offer a variety of baby gear rentals on a weekly or monthly basis, enabling you to try out high-quality strollers, swings, and carriers, risk free.

Our rental and return process is very simple so that you can easily enjoy this incredible service without any hassle. 


Why rent?

Better pricing for items with short-term usage

Expensive baby gear is an investment, yet children outgrow many items relatively quick. For example, a sleeping bassinet is only needed for a short period in the early months of your baby’s life.

Renting allows you to use high-quality products for a fraction of the cost of purchasing them. 


It’s temporary 

“To buy or not to buy?”  

If you’re one of those who has a hard time making decisions, renting allows you to use the right products for your child's current age and developmental stage without the commitment of a permanent purchase.

And temporary also means: no need to store bulky items once they’re no longer needed. So minimalists, we’ve got you covered as well!


You can try before you buy

It’s always nice to try baby gear before purchasing it, particularly if it’s a pricey item. 

Now, you can try out that stroller you’ve been eyeing and see whether it fits your needs. 

Trial also allows you to test various brands and types of gear to find what works best for your child and lifestyle instead of committing to one right away. 

Debating between a carrier or a swing as a soother for the newborn stage? Rent both and only buy the one that you and your little one end up enjoying most.


It’s great for travel

Renting makes travel easy and convenient. Instead of transporting bulky items or purchasing gear for temporary use, you can rent the items you’ll need for your trip.

We have some great picks for jetsetters: A sturdy child carrier is perfect for hitting trails or trekking up to the peaks, and the Jetkids bedbox doubles as an innovative ride-on suitcase and in-flight bed.


You can gear up for hosting

Host in style, and even make your little guests comfortable as can be, with a good crib or swing. It’s a pity to purchase baby items that you’ll only need for the duration of their stay. 

Now we make it convenient to rent the essentials you’ll need to host your guests with ease.


Renting with PishPosh Baby is a breeze

Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose the gear you’d like to rent
  2. Enjoy our top products without a purchase commitment
  3. Use our prepaid labels for a hassle free return


Can’t part with your rental?

If you fell in love with your rental, you don’t have to say good-bye when the subscription is up. You can purchase your rental and enjoy it forever.





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