The NAPO designated January as the "Get Organized Month". As mamas we all know how just a little bit of organization can really help us out through the long haul.
One of the easiest tools to help a parent get organized is a diaper bag. Once you have a really good idea of what you need in a diaper bag you just need to find the one that suits your needs. Here are some questions to ask yourself:- How long am I usually out with the baby and what will I need (diapers, diaper cream, bottles, pacifiers, blankets, burping blankets... the list is endless)?
- Do I like everything in one big pocket or do I need everything to have its own place?
- Do I want to wear the diaper bag, put it in the stroller basket, hang it on the stroller, or a combination of all those options?
- Does my baby drink from bottles or only breastfeed?
- How often does my baby generally need a diaper change?