BFF Silver Ice
Between all the different styles, patterns and color options, you're bound to find something that you like. Check out the more popular ones here. Most of their bags are machine washable and have Agion and Teflon technology that helps keep they bag and changing pad clean, quickly. We are so excited to now be offering their line.
Ju-Ju-Be Fun Facts
Though the jujube (pronounced as joo-joob) is a fruit (a kind of berry), it's completely unrelated to Ju-Ju-Be (pronounced as joo-joo-bee)
Ju-Ju-Be is named for Julia Star Croft, whose nickname is Ju-Ju-Be
Ju-Ju-Be was launched on 9/23/2005
The first and original Ju-Ju-Be bag is an orange and teal Perky Perennials Be All
The first buyer for Ju-Ju-Be was Baby Style (no longer in business)
The props team for the movie Hangover II requested that Ju-Ju-Be send them their "girliest" bag. They sent the Fuchsia Blossoms Be All and it was worn by Bradley Cooper!
Other shows that featured Ju-Ju-Be bags:
-CHUCK's Ellie wore the Drip Drops Be All
-Up All Night's Christina Applegate wore the Marvelous Mums
-Modern Family’s Gloria wore the Shadow Waltz
-Modern Family's Mitch and Cam carried the Onyx Blossoms
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