The ABC Show is happening right now, and we'll be keeping you updated on what's going to be coming out this summer as we find out!
The Veer Switchback is really cool! This new seat can attach to your jogging stroller, chair, bike, or Veer cruiser, and it can even stand on its own with camping chair adaptors! This comfortable, sturdy new product from Veer came out at just the right time, and its perfect for summer camping trips and traveling adventures!

Clek just introduced their railroad line, a new beautiful fabric that is so soft, made with no added flame retardants and its going to be out on all their products except the backless booster starting this summer!
You can use the Liing infant car seat on the Indie stroller with an easy one-handed release!
UppaBaby just introduced the Mesa MAX, which features a sun canopy that offers almost double the amount of coverage than the Mesa, and comes with a load leg. This is the only car seat from UppaBaby with a load leg. It also features a European seatbelt path for safe baseless installs and a carry handle that doubles as an anti-rebound bar! This car seat can be used with the Cruz V2 and the Vista V2 without adapters.

They also just brought out the UppaBABY Knox & Alta (L-R) in Noa, and the UppaBABY Remi playard.
This is the awesome new Tokidoki Rebel 2.0, with a bold, modern pattern!

We'll keep you updated as the show continues!