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Mountain Buggy Duet - A First In Depth Look

Posted in Category_More..., Category_Mountain Buggy>Duet, Duet, mountain buggy duet 2011, mountain buggy duet vs duo
The long awaited much talked about mountain buggy Duet stroller is finally hitting the US shores. This much talked about stroller is coming and we're here to cover an indepth look and this great new stroller. Double strollers.... what comes to mind? Big, bulky, cant fit through grocery aisles and hard to maneuver. Well get those thoughts out of your mind as we welcome to our great line of double strollers the mountain buggy Duet. The Mountain Buggy Duet is just 25" wide. Thats the same with as the current single mountain buggy stroller! The urban Jungle. (for my fellow Canadians out there thats just 63 cm). Heres a side by side comparison photo. Take a look! mountain buggy duet Its amazing! The Mountain Buggy Duet has 4 wheel for great maneuverability. This stroller honestly feels like you are pushing a single stroller and not a double! What more can a mom want?? The Mountain buggy Duet can take 1 or 2 infant car seats as well as 1 or 2 bassinets. Great for twins, or mom a toddler and newborn too. mountain buggy duet Another great feature of the duet is the single sun canopies over each seat that have an additional flip down canopy that actually covers the sun on all angles.

Click Here to Order the Mountain Buggy Duet and to See Pricing Info.

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