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New Ergobaby Carriers - Quartz, Dandelion, & Zen!

New Ergobaby Carriers - Quartz, Dandelion, & Zen!

Posted in Category_Accessories, Category_Blog, Category_ErgoBaby, Category_On The Go>Baby Carriers, Category_Slider
Ergobaby at Check out a new Ergobaby carrier. Ergobaby came to our showroom 2 days ago to show us their latest line in carriers. Being that we're at the end of February, it's perfect timing. The weather's going to warm up here and then it's the great outdoors with the little ones in tow. True to their style, Ergobaby has 2 new patterns for the Original Carrier, and 3 new ones for the Organic Carrier. Check them out:

New Original Baby Carriers

New Teal Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier - Teal
New Dewdrop Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier - Dewdrop

New Organic Baby Carriers

New Dandelion Ergobaby Organic Baby Carrier Ergobaby Organic Baby Carrier - Dandelion
New Quartz Ergobaby Organic Baby Carrier Ergobaby Organic Baby Carrier - Quartz
New Zen Ergobaby Organic Baby Carrier Ergobaby Organic Baby Carrier - Zen
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