It's not every day that a new brand arrives to the USA and introduces some really high-quality, modern, and durable strollers, so we are excited to see the two new strollers from Tutti Frutti - the
Arlo and
Koji Strollers!

The Tutti Frutti Arlo is a convertible stroller! There are many convertible strollers on the market, but none that are as quite compact and sleek as the Arlo is. Perfect for one little one, or two just depending on how your family grows...The Arlo is a great single stroller, which is built to grow should you ever need it. It features a reversible seat with a true lie-flat recline. The adjustable handlebar makes it comfortable for parents of all heights to push. The stroller folds up really compact, using only one hand. The seat is removable and can hold a carrycot or car seat, so you can use your Arlo from birth (or with the full-reclined seat and insert). The
Arlo can become a double stroller by adding a second seat. Once we have more information on how that will work, we will update you.

Tutti Frutti Koji stroller is a modern lightweight stroller that looks like it may become your all-around stroller too. Featuring a reversible seat that truly lies down flat, you will be able to use your stroller from birth. Or remove the seat and add on a carrycot or car seat.
The handlebar is adjustable as well (rare for a lightweight stroller!) and the single-hand fold will make your life as a parent so much easier.
We will keep you updated with ETA's and pricing as soon as we have more information. We are excited about these two new strollers and think you may be too:)