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NEW Valco Neo Twin All-Terrain Stroller

NEW Valco Neo Twin All-Terrain Stroller

Posted in Category_new for 2016, lightweight double joggin stroller, lightweight twin stroller, valco double jogging stroller, valco neo double, valco neo twin
Neo Twin Denim PS EX BB LRA brand-new stroller debuted at the ABC Kids Expo and we finally have the scoop for you. The Valco Baby Neo Twin is a truly lightweight, all-terrain stroller - that's a first! With 8" front and 10" rear air-tires, you'll have a smooth ride no matter where life finds you. The adjustable footrest, and handlebar make it comfy to use. The infant-ready seats lie flat for newborns. A huge easy-to-access underseat basket gives you plenty of room for everything you'll need. Neo Twin Grey FV Folded Standing Handle LRThe compact fold keeps the seat fabrics inside in the stroller so that they don't get dirty (yay!). The stroller also stands on its own when folded. Expect to see Valco's famous huge canopies on the Neo Twin as well. Weighs approximately 27 lbs. Colors are Black, Grey Marle, and Denim Blue. Car seat adapters will be available for Graco, Chicco, Cybex, Nuna, and Maxi cosi. Price: $699.99

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Neo Twin Grey Handle bar closeup LR
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