Peg Perego Book for 2 Double Stroller - Look out for it!
By EllenaOctober 12, 2015

It's been quite some time since Peg Perego released a double stroller, and 2016 will be the year of the all-new
Book for Two double from Peg Perego! It is one of several all-new double strollers Peg is debuting at ABC next week. This stroller has some cool features: It takes two car seats, it has the Book’s unique folding mechanism and Soft Ride Wheel, and it’s only 29 inches wide.
The Book for Two by @pegperegousa is a gorgeous and sleek side by side double that can hold 2 car seats for a total width of just 32"!
See what else Peg Perego has introduced for 2016!