You really want to get a bouncer or baby swing for your newborn. You’re looking at the Rockaroo and the Mamaroo, two really cool options, and you’re loving them both at first glance. Now, you need to choose which one to get for your baby! Let’s talk about the differences between the rockaRoo and mamaRoo, and get a feel for each of them.

The mamaRoo has 5 different motion settings AND 5 speed motions! It's designed to make the baby feel like it's being rocked in mommy's arms. The mamaRoo is bluetooth enabled, which is awesome, and it also has an adjustable recline (the rockaRoo’s seat has a non-adjustable recline). It takes up more room than the mamaRoo, but it comes with more setting options.

The rockaRoo is a fully loaded bouncer & baby swing that rocks back and forth in a front to back motion, and can be left on for up to 4 hours at a time! At just a third of the size of a regular swing, the rockaRoo will take up much less space in your home. One awesome thing about the rockaRoo over the mamaRoo is that it's $50 less! But that’s because the mamaRoo comes with lots more features…
So basically, here’s the tossup! When it comes down to it, the MamaRoo bounces up and down and sways from side to side, while the RockaRoo has one back and forth gliding motion, and is 1/3 the size of a traditional swing! And one more thing- the mamaRoo has more setting options.
See which one you like better! And don’t forget: You can earn points!!!