Recently, while doing some research I came across this question in a number of places. What is a bugaboo? For anyone in the baby gear world the answer is obviously clear. Bugaboo is class (think Cameleon3), functionality (think Donkey) and style (think Bee). It's the elite stroller outing experience.
- Bugaboo Creek is a name of a steakhouse chain that has 13 locations in the New England region
- The Bugaboo is the annoying "friend", the one who calls incessantly and comes over too often without being invited, the one who sends you a second text within ten minutes just because you didn't answer the first, they look through your pocketbook, phone, computer without asking... you get the picture.
- A Bugaboo is a recurring problem
- A Bugaboo is the object of obsessive, exaggerated fear or anxiety
- Bugaboo is a slang term for a legendary, scary creature (think boogeyman)