Spring is in the air (or at least it has been) and summer is coming up right behind. What comes to mind? For me it's about the outings, the trips, and the adventure. However, with time, I've come to the acceptance that part of adventure is mishaps. Not much we can do except grin and bear it. Wait! That's not 100% true. I may not be able to control circumstances to prevent misadventures, but I can certainly come prepared so that when they do occur I can be ready to smooth it over without it turning into a major calamity. Once again, I turned to my trusted notepad and... created lists! For me, one of the hardest lists to get down pat is the baby travel checklist. Between different sorts of trips (the park, road trips, flying...) and being that kids are continuously growing and changing and are such unique individuals, there aren't too many constants. I have an overall list that I use and just look it over to determine what I need for each trip for each child. It's more than the basics. I'm still Marry Poppins when it comes to having gear and paraphernalia on hand. I've also included some of my specific favorites and the more popular variety of the items. So here goes!
(See why Ellena loves her
Skip Hop Versa Diaper Bag here)
- Emergency Info
- Diapers
- Diaper care products
Sealable, Disposal Plastic Bags Sassy makes an inexpensive choice
Hand Sanitizer Purell or an equivalent
Tissues, burp cloths, washcloth I love the small packets of tissues for travel. They fit in just about any corner that you have available
Medicine/Pain Reliever antibiotics, Tylenol, OraGel
For a full diaper bag checklist, click
Weather Appropriate Paraphernalia
Sunblock I'm particularly partial to Banana Boat's sunscreens
- Raincoat, Rain Boots, Umbrella
- Water bottles for Hot Weather
- Scarves, Mittens, Hats, etc
Feeding and Soothing Supplies
- Pacifiers
- Baby Blankets
Breast Pump, Nursing Cover & Pillow, Bottles, Formula, Food, Bib, Travel Booster Seat, Utensils For infants, following my sense of order, I like using the Mixie bottles. It makes things much simpler during feeding if I'm using formula.
- Bottles, Sippy Cups, Regular Cups
- Prepared Snacks & Meals and Drinks or money to buy on the go
Porable High Chair
Change of Clothes
Even if you are not staying overnight it is worth it to have an extra set of clothes with little ones around.
Toys I really enjoy the Fat Brain Toys.
- Games
- Coloring Books & Crayons
Lightweight Stroller I'd love to try the new Baby Jogger Vue out, but have been using the UPPAbaby G-luxe until now. I love the G-Luxe, but I also love the VUE's feature that allows you to reverse the seat without taking the seat off.
Car Seats: Infant, Convertible, Booster With Michael I had the Maxi Cosi Mico for an infant car seat. I'm not sure which I'd choose if I needed one today. Either the Maxi Cosi Mico AP or the Cybex Aton2.
Accessories This depends on where I'm going, for how long, and the ages of my kids. Sometimes it's the car seat adapter that I need to be sure to have on hand, sometimes it's the glider board, and at one point it was both! But I'm a MAJOR fan of the snack trays, cup holders, and some of the parent consoles. They all are so convenient and help me keep organized.
Porta Crib I like the Nuna Sena Playard. It has the old playpen look, but is modern enough that I like it better than the classic Pack 'n Play look. It also comes in 2 different sizes so that you choose whichever you prefer and have space for.
Bathing Supplies
First Aid Kit
(Based on the Red Cross recommended list with some of my own additions)
25 Adhesive Bandages (Assorted Sizes) Band-Aid, Curad
- Absorbent Compress Dressings
- Antibiotic Ointment Packets
- Hydrocortisone Ointment Packets
- Triangular Bandages
- Gauze Pads (3" & 4")
- Cloth Tape
Antiseptic/Skin Disinfectant Wipes hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, among others
- Tweezers
- Nail Clipper & File
Elastic Bandages (3" & 4") ACE or equivalent
Oral Thermometer (Stay away from the mercury thermometers)
Breathing Barrier for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
- Aspirin, Ibuprofen
Non-Latex Gloves I'm allergic, trust me
- Instant Cold Compresses
- Antihistamine
- Safety Pins
- Space Blanket
- Scissors
- Flashlight with Working Batteries