We are beyond excited to now offer the
Kanga Care Rumparooz Cloth Diapers and coordinating wet bags. Choose between an Aplix (velcro) or Snap closure. The award winning Rumparooz One Size Cloth Pocket Diaper has been a revolutionary change to the face of cloth diapering. Kanga Care brand cloth diapers were the first cloth diapers uniquely designed with the now patented leak protection technology of dual inner gussets. Designed with simplicity, Rumparooz are as easy to use as a disposable diaper, but without all the chemicals, waste and high cost. The Rumparooz One Size Cloth Pocket Diaper is 4 diapers sizes in ONE diaper. The Rumparooz will fit most babies at any size between birth (size newborn, 6 lbs) up through potty training (size large, 35+ lbs). Each diaper comes with a microfiber 6r soaker. This unique soaker has 6 different size and absorbency settings to customize for your babies needs.

The most beautiful print is actually a collaboration with your favorite on-the-go brand - JuJueBe. The Perky Perennials pattern is beautiful and is available in a wet bag too! Order yours today! Want to learn more about using cloth diapers? Follow the
Diaper Cloth Challenge, featuring 5 moms who are using cloth diapers for the first time, on our blog!