City Mini 2013
Sophie, why do you love your City Mini stroller?
A short 2.5 months ago one of my closest friends had her fourth baby. The economy, being what it is, did not allow her to consider buying a new stroller. And then her sister-in-law, Tina, surprised her. She bought her a spanking, brand new City Mini stroller for a fantastic price. She got
last year's model so it was discounted (and still is, as low as $159.99!), which made it a very affordable gift. And Sophie fell in love. I asked her what it was about the City Mini that she loved so much. To paraphrase what was an hour and a half deluge of animated monologue:
Aside from the fact that it was a gift from Tina and I know it didn't put her in a financial bind, it's the ideal stroller! Now, when Brandon is just an infant, my car seat adapter let's me use this stroller as a snap and go. When I want to take the kids on a walk I just pop the infant car seat onto the stroller and we're out the door. But even when I'm taking them to the park in the car, it's just a snap to transfer him to the car and the stroller. The City Mini is really safe so that I'm not worried when Izzy (9 years-old) and Francine (7 years-old) want to push him around. Though I draw the line when it comes to Jake (3 years-old) pushing him around. But, what do I love about it when I push the stroller? The stroller is really sturdy and pushes amazingly. The City Mini stroller maneuvers so smoothly. (That's one of the reasons I feel secure with the older kids pushing him around.) It works on all different types of terrains. I'm talking grass, pebbles, rubber park mats, and regular city walking. Though I haven't tried the beach yet so I'm don't know about the sand. And it folds so easily! I can be holding a cranky Brandon in one arm and fold the stroller with the other, though I hate doing that. It doesn't feel safe in my mind. Taking 4 kids out to play is always an adventure. I really try to make sure I have everything I'll need with me, short of the bathroom. I really make good use out of the basket under the seat. I use it for tissues, blankets, diapers, bottles, and all sorts of stuff. I know there's a whole line of accessories for the stroller. I'm seriously considering the parent console. I hate having to rummage through all the stuff in the basket to find my keys or a water bottle when the kids are tired and getting cranky. It could be a real lifesaver. It's funny. I've got a "fully-loaded" stroller from when Jake was born, but I hate that it's so cumbersome. Before Brandon was born I was debating if I should buy an umbrella stroller. Once Tina bought me the City Mini Stroller, I was all set to go. This stroller is light, really easy to use, and folds incredibly, with just one hand! It's really simple and a pleasure to use. No need for an additional stroller now. It's the best stroller I've had yet. I wish I would have gotten one when Francine was born. It would have made things easier with her and Izzy being only 2 years apart. I LOVE my City Mini stroller. For more info on the City Mini stroller read this review. To compare with other Baby Jogger strollers click
here and