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PishPosh Baby Blog

Check Out the UPPAbaby 2014 Collection!

October 16, 2013

You know a manufacturer is really proud and satisfied with their current products if they haven't brought a new/updated version of their product to the ABC Baby Expo. [...]

Category_Car Seats, Category_New Products for 2014!, Category_Product Reviews>Car Seat Reviews, Category_Product Reviews>Stroller Reviews, Category_Strollers, Category_Uppababy>Cruz, Category_Uppababy>G-Lite, Category_Uppababy>G-Luxe, Category_Uppababy>Mesa, Category_Uppababy>Vista, Uppababy, uppababy cruz, uppababy cruz stroller, uppababy g-luxe, uppababy glite, UppaBaby vista, uppababy vista stroller
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Check Out the UPPAbaby 2014 Collection!

October 16, 2013

You know a manufacturer is really proud and satisfied with their current products if they haven't brought a new/updated version of their product to the ABC Baby Expo. [...]

Category_Car Seats, Category_New Products for 2014!, Category_Product Reviews>Car Seat Reviews, Category_Product Reviews>Stroller Reviews, Category_Strollers, Category_Uppababy>Cruz, Category_Uppababy>G-Lite, Category_Uppababy>G-Luxe, Category_Uppababy>Mesa, Category_Uppababy>Vista, Uppababy, uppababy cruz, uppababy cruz stroller, uppababy g-luxe, uppababy glite, UppaBaby vista, uppababy vista stroller
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When is Baby Month?

August 26, 2013

In which month are the most babies born? That depends on the year, but typically it usually is August or September. The latest report from the CDC has [...]

bedding, bundle me, Category_More..., child tray, doodlefish, doodlefish bedding, footmuff, gift, gift card, gift certificate, Glenna Jean, glenna jean bedding, my baby sam, my baby sam bedding, parent console, parent organizer, parent pack, peaceful doodlefish, snack tray, stroller accessories, Uppababy, UppaBaby vista, uppababy vista stroller
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